Are You Being Smart with Your Debt?

Do you know the difference between good and bad debt? Are you able to maintain and afford the debt you take on? Many individuals are not. In fact, we’ve been reading tons of articles and studies that are finding that Americans, in particular millennials, are piling on debt during this time. Given the inflationary and high interest rate environment we are living in, talking about debt is more prudent than ever.

Are higher interest rates and prices changing your spending habits? If you are feeling the heat of inflation, re-evaluate your budget and cash flows, ensuring you are only purchasing what you can truly afford. Spending more than you make can slowly pile up your bills overtime, making it hard to pay your debt each month.

While taking on “good debt”, such as opening lines of credit to prove to creditors you are responsible with your money, is a great way to build your personal credit, taking on too much debt can eventually harm your credit score. So, obviously there is a happy medium when it comes to taking on debt and building your credit.

As we’ve discussed before, your credit score is oftentimes considered the lifeline of your financial life. Having a strong credit score allows you to not only take on more debt, but lets you do it a better price. For example, with a high credit score, lenders are more willing to approve your application and provide you with a lower interest rate. Given the high interest rate environment we are in with the Federal Reserve hiking interest rates to combat inflation, receiving a competitive and lower interest rate is huge to your financial situation.

Furthermore, with interest rates still going up, you want to make sure you are aware of the type of debt you have and are taking on, whether it’s tied to a variable interest rate or its fixed. Many individuals aren’t aware they have variable interest rate debt and understand their finaical obligation to it as rates rise. We know the difference between good and bad debt can be overwhelming to understand, which is why we recommend working with a financial professional to ensure you know everything you have, what your financial obligations actually are, and how to make the best decisions surrounding them. If you have any questions on your personal financial situation or debt, email us at

Why Maintaining a Healthy Credit Score and Lines of Credit Matters

In the ever-evolving world of personal finance, few things carry as much weight as your credit score and the health of your lines of credit. These numbers that appear on your credit report, though may seem insignificant, have great influence over your financial well-being, impacting everything from the interest rates you pay on loans to your ability to secure housing or even employment. In this blog, we’ll delve into why maintaining a healthy credit score and lines of credit is crucial for your financial stability.

Your credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. It’s calculated based on various factors such as your payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit used. Generally, credit scores range from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness.

A healthy credit score opens doors to various credit opportunities, including credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and personal loans. Lenders use your credit score to assess the risk of lending to you. Higher scores typically result in better terms and lower interest rates. Maintaining a good credit score can save you significant money in interest payments. Lenders offer lower interest rates to borrowers with higher credit scores because they pose less risk of default. Over time, even a small difference in interest rates can translate into substantial savings.

So now that we have discussed the pros that having a strong credit score can provide, let’s take a look at how to maintain healthy lines of credit.

First, diversification-Having a mix of credit accounts, such as credit cards, installment loans, and a mortgage, demonstrates your ability to manage different types of credit responsibly. This diversity can positively impact your credit score.

Second is payment history. This is one of the most significant factors in determining your credit score. Paying bills on time, every time, helps maintain or improve your credit score and demonstrates reliability to lenders.

Next is utilization ratio. This ratio compares your total credit card balances to your total available credit. Keeping this ratio low, ideally below 30%, shows that you’re not overly reliant on credit and can manage your debts responsibly.

Lastly, regularly monitoring your credit report allows you to spot errors, identity theft, or fraudulent activity early on. Promptly addressing any discrepancies can prevent long-term damage to your credit score.

Your credit score and lines of credit play integral roles in your financial life. They impact your ability to access credit, the cost of borrowing, and even non-financial aspects like insurance premiums and job opportunities. By understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy credit score and managing your lines of credit wisely, you can build a solid foundation for your financial future. So, make it a priority to monitor your credit, make timely payments, and use credit responsibly to keep your financial situation on the right track. If you have any further questions on credit or credit scores, email or schedule a complimentary intro call here.

What Happens If You Try To Spend More Than Your Credit Limit?

When you sign up for a credit card, you are often assigned a credit limit when that account is opened.  These limits typically start at $200 and go up to tens of thousands of dollars.  With so many people out of jobs and finding it hard to make ends meet these days, credit cards have become a necessary resource to pay for things that we might not have the money for right now. However, the more you charge on your cards, the closer you may come to hitting that max limit.  If you do hit that amount, you are likely to get hit with over-the-limit fees. Before you decide to use your credit card to pay for necessities, there are alternatives to going over your max before risking having your credit limit cut or incurring unnecessary fees.  

Can You Go Over Your Credit Limit?

Yes, you can go over your credit limit, but there’s no surefire way to know how much you can spend in excess of your limit. Card issuers may consider a variety of factors, such as your past payment history, when deciding the risk of approving an over-the-limit transaction. Any approved transactions above your credit limit are subject to over-the-limit (or over-limit) fees. This credit card fee is typically up to $35, but it can’t be greater than the amount you spend over your limit. So if you spend $20 over your limit, the fee can’t exceed $20.

Due to the CARD Act of 2009, over-limit fees can’t be charged without your consent. As a result of these regulations, most card issuers have done away with over-limit fees and the default for any transactions over your credit limit may be that the transaction is simply denied.

If you do consent to a one-time over-limit fee, you can change your mind and opt-out at any time. However, in doing so, your card issuer will likely decline any purchases you attempt to make over your limit. Even if you opt-in to over-limit fees, transactions exceeding your credit limit may still be denied.

Should You Go Over Your Credit Limit?

While spending over your credit limit might relieve some short-term problems, it can also cause long-term financial issues, including fees, debt and damage to your credit score. The best practice is to try to maintain a low credit utilization rate – avoid maxing out your card and spending anywhere near your credit limit.  If you do go over your limit, you should sit down and consider why it happened in the first place and review your budget. You should figure out what purchases caused you to spend more and whether you can make any changes to your spending habits.

Alternatives If Your Credit Limit Is Low

For those that may have a low credit limit or if your credit limit recently got cut, there are some options to ensure you don’t max out your spending. If you’ve had a low credit limit for a while and currently have a stable job, you may want to request a credit limit increase. This can be a good idea if you have good credit (scores 670 to 739) or excellent credit (scores 740 and greater) or if you haven’t updated your income in a while and make more money than what’s listed. Your card issuer may pull your credit report for this request, which may cause a small, temporary ding to your credit score.

However, if your credit limit was reduced, you may want to consider other options. Cardholders with good payment history and a stable job should call their card issuer and ask for reconsideration.  You should ask why your credit limit was cut, explain that your account is in good standing and that you have a stable source of income to pay off your bill. This may shed light on why your limit was lowered and potentially result in your credit limit increasing — though there is no guarantee. Rather than asking for a credit limit increase on the card that had a reduction, you may want to consider any other cards you have instead. If you have three credit cards and one got the limit cut, see if you can get an increase on one or both of the other two,

If you have a history of missed payments or maxing out your cards, you are likely not a good candidate for reconsideration and don’t want to draw attention to yourself. Therefore, if you fall into one of these categories, it’s best to not try to request a higher limit.

When To Apply For A New Credit Card

Cardholders with only one credit card and a low credit limit may want to consider opening a new credit card, but should be aware of any potential risks. For starters, if you were recently laid off or faced a reduction in income, you may not be in the best position to be approved for a new card, and there’s no sense in adding a new credit inquiry to your credit report if your chances are low. Also, if you have a history of maxing out your card, you should be aware that more credit can lead to more debt. An additional credit limit can be helpful for affording your expenses, but it can also be harmful if you overspend.

Before opening a new card, give yourself clear guidelines on how you’ll use the card and stick to keeping a low credit utilization rate. When it comes time to pay your bill, make on-time payments of at least the minimum every month for all of your cards.  If you are able to do so, pay in full so that your credit score will  improve and your debt will be minimized. When applying for a new card, check your credit score first to narrow down your options. Then consider cards based on your credit score. 

In these tough times, we need to be responsible when it comes to spending and not see going over your credit limit as a choice. If you do need to use your credit cards to pay for utilities, groceries and other necessities right now, make sure you are aware of your max and other options you might be able to work out with the credit card companies before going over your limit. When you do receive those credit card statements, make sure to pay at least the minimum amount each month to maintain a positive credit score. And, make sure you are paying the bills on time to ensure you won’t incur any late fees either.  If you have any questions about credit, credit cards or other issues concerning your finances, please contact us.  We are all in this together and we’re here to help! 

Are You Reaching For Your Credit Cards?

Have you been spending more this year than last? Total consumer credit rose by 10%, or $35 billion, in May, according to the Federal Reserve. What a big increase! 

“Economists had been expecting an increase of $18 billion”, according to a Market Watch Article. When the economy is good people tend to spend more money, but on the other hand, when the the economy is good and stimulated, prices too tend to rise, such as recent used car prices we have been watching sky rocket. 

“Last year the use of credit fell for the first time since the last recession in 2009. Revolving credit, like credit cards, increased by 11.4%. Non-revolving credit, typically auto and student loans, also rose 9.5%, according to an Experian Credit Card Report

With this data at hand, we want to emphasize the importance of protecting your credit score, maximizing utilizing your points, spending responsibility, and taking advantage of potential zero percent interest. If you find yourself financially heading in the wrong direction, consult with a professional to attempt to alleviate the situation. We’d like to hear how your spending and borrowing habits have changed over the last few months, as people are assimilating into post-covid life. We will continue to track these numbers and how they will affect you and your situation. If you have any questions for us or want to share what you are seeing, send us an email at

How Millennials Boosted Their Credit Scores in 2020

Millennials have been receiving some hot press recently. Let’s take a look and see what they’re up to. In a recent blog we discussed how despite the pandemic, millennials have doubled their assets over the past four years, topping $10 trillion in assets. As we continued to monitor how America’s young adults are setting themselves up for financial success, we found that millennials boosted their credit score more than any generation in 2020. However, we have also seen how individuals are struggling financially despite a high credit score.

The average FICO Score for U.S. consumers hit a record 710 last year, and millennials led the pack with an 11-point increase, according to Experian’s 2020 Consumer Credit Review.

No matter your age or situation, it’s always important to know your credit score matters. And remember, it’s never too early to start building credit. Consider some of these tips if you are beginning to build your credit: make payments on time, pay in full, and consider utilizing a credit score tracker to ensure nothing falls through the cracks, like an old Verizon bill from college. Tiny unpaid bills such as those can have a lasting effect on your credit score, so make sure you stay on top of your finances and bills. 

It’s also important to note low interest rates and how you can use them to leverage your situation. With a high credit score, you can take advantage of historically low interest rates on all loans, including car, home, and student loans. By putting to use some of the tips listed above, you will have a much easier time with lenders when it comes time to take out a loan. If you have any questions about how to build or maintain a healthy credit score, please reach out to us at or schedule a complimentary 30-minute conversation here

How To Better Your Credit Score At Age 40

Credit score is an essential part of your financial life, setting you up for success in the long-term. Whether you are a recent college graduate, starting your first job, or in your 40’s and a mid-career professional, credit score remains equally as important. While it’s extremely important to save money when you are first starting out, it’s also quite important to know how to spend money and understand the repercussions of not spending responsibly. 

We read an interesting article that reported New Experian data that found consumers between the ages of 39 to 53 (aka Generation X) have a considerable gap in their credit scores when compared to older generations. The credit bureau’s 2020 State of Credit report shows that Gen Xers, with an average credit score of 676, are closer to the scores of Gen Y/millennials (658) and Gen Z (654) than they are to Boomers (716) and the Silent Generation (729).

No matter your age or financial situation, paying your bills on time is a crucial part of building and maintaining solid credit score. Having a good credit score helps you when its time to take out a mortgage, purchase a new car, or get a new credit card with better benefits. 

It’s crucial to make sure you know how to track your payments and and credit score every month. Consider using credit monitoring apps such as Credit Karma that update you with real life changes or sites such as to see where your credit stands and ways to improve it.

If you have any questions about your credit score of explaining it to your children or grandchildren, we are happy to help. Please reach out to us with any questions at or book a free 30-minute consultation here

These are your 2021 401(k) and IRA Contribution Limits

The IRS released annual inflation adjustments for 2021 for many tax provisions on Monday, including new income tax brackets and an increased standard deduction. It also announced that contribution limits for 401(k)s and IRAs will not increase next year. 

What Changed?

The following limits are going up for 2021:

  • The annual additions limit for defined contribution plans increases to $58,000
  • The annual compensation limit increases to $290,000
  • The Social Security Wage Base increases to $142,800

The following limits will remain the same next year: 

  • The salary deferral limit for 401(k), 403(b) and 457 plans remains at $19,500
  • The SIMPLE deferral limit remains at $13,500
  • The catch-up contribution limits for 401(k) plans and SIMPLE IRAs remain the same $6,500 and $3,000 respectively
  • The annual additions limit for defined benefit plans remains at $230,000
  • The compensation limit for determining who is a highly compensated employee will remain the same at $130,000

For more 2021 cost-of-living adjustments and 401(k) limits, visit the IRS’s bulletin. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or check out our other blogs for more information on 401(k)’s. 


The Best Credit Cards For Grocery Shopping In 2020

As the corona-virus pandemic has put a halt on restaurant dining, Americans have found themselves cooking at home more and in turn, spending more money on grocery shopping. When increasing your spend in a certain category, it’s important to think about how you can maximize these purchases and your budget by building rewards. You may want to consider a rewards credit card that can help you earn over $100 a year on your groceries. 

We read an interesting article from CNBC select that discussed the best credit cards to apply for if your grocery spending has increased or is a large chunk of your monthly budget. The average American spends about $5,174 a year, or roughly $431 a month, on groceries, according to a sample budget based on the latest spending data available from the location intelligence firm Esri. That’s more than Americans spend on dining out, which comes to about $3,675 annually. 

The best grocery rewards cards offer up to 6% cash back at supermarkets. While they usually exclude wholesale clubs such as Costco and BJ’s, and big box stores like Target and Walmart, you can still take advantage of these rates at Whole Foods, Krogers and other big name grocers.

CNBC Select analyzed 26 popular rewards cards using an average American’s annual budget and digging into each card’s perks and drawbacks to find the best grocery store rewards cards based on your spending habits. 

Here are CNBC Select’s top picks for credit cards offering supermarket rewards

If you find that your grocery bill takes up a large portion of your monthly budget, take a look at these credit cards, to see if you could capitalize on your spending. Additionally, no matter where you spend the majority of your money, whether it’s travel or dining, make sure you look into credit cards that are the best fit for you. If you have any questions on your portfolio or credit cards to maximize your spending, please reach out to us at

New Fed Strategy Means Cheaper Loans For A Long time — Here’s How You Can Benefit

As we’ve all been waiting to hear about the outcome and policy changes from the Jackson Hole symposium, there’ve been some updates that you should know. The Federal Reserve has said that it will let inflation run “hotter than normal” to help the economy bounce back from the coronavirus crisis, according to a CNBC article. According to some commentary, it seems as though this policy change is meant as a stimulus, to get people to spend more. 

Since the central bank lowered its benchmark rate to near zero in March, credit card rates have hit a low of 16.03%, on average, according to The average interest rate on personal loans is currently about 12.07% and home equity lines of credit are as low as 4.79%, according to Bankrate, both notably less than the APR on a credit card.

On the flipside, “Low inflation has helped suppress mortgage rates,” said Tendayi Kapfidze, chief economist at LendingTree, an online loan marketplace. “If you let inflation go up, mortgage rates will also go higher.”

Given this new economic data, and with these cheaper loans for a longer period of time, it’s important to take a look at where you can lock in those lower rates, such as through credit card balance transfers or refinancing your mortgage. If you have any questions about this new policy, and want to see how this could be an advantage for your portfolio, please reach out to us at and we would be happy to discuss with you. 

Here’s How to Prepare your Finances

With the additional $600 per week unemployment benefits coming to an end this week, it is important to think about the ways in which you can prepare your finances for the months ahead. Many Americans are currently jobless and have been relying on these additional COVID-19 related unemployment benefits. There is much uncertainty as we navigate through the pandemic the best we can, but there is great value in coming up with a plan to start saving and getting your finances in order as your benefits may decrease in the coming months. 

Here are some key ways to be prepared for your future and what you should expect as any additional unemployment relief comes to an end. 

Adjust your Budget 

A great place to start in uncertain times is with your budget. Sit down and attempt to cut out all unnecessary expenses along with looking into other options that may be cheaper. It’s important to think of all your essential monthly costs and see where you can save a buck or two. For example, take a look at your housing, food, utilities, and car payments to see if there are places you can cut down.  

Contact your Creditors 

If you have not already called your creditors, you should consider reaching out to them and discussing your options moving forward. If you are only able to pay the minimum payment on your credit card bill, make sure to let your creditors know so they can figure out a plan and help you out. Many creditors may be able to offer you “financial hardship assistance” so that you can keep your credit in good standing even if you can’t pay more than a certain amount each month.

Build an Emergency Fund Even if You Don’t Think You Can 

We all know it’s important to have a cash cushion, especially in times of economic crisis. However, it can be difficult to think about how to build one when you are already strapped on cash. But, it’s never too late to start saving. The first step is to start reducing any debt. You should also try to put yourself into a “saving mindset” by incrementally setting aside a small stash of cash every month. You can contact your bank to set up auto payments to your savings account each month, which will help you get consistent with your saving habits. 

Expect a Drop in Your Credit Score 

While it’s important to maintain a strong credit score, in times of financial crisis it is okay to expect a drop in your score. As mentioned above, make sure to give your creditors a call to keep them in the loop about your situation. Also, if you are unable to pay your credit card balance in full, at least pay the minimum amount to keep your credit stable. 

Understand Your Costs

When you are strapped for cash, it is important to know which bills you should be prioritizing, for example, housing payments. While the additional unemployment relief is ending, so are the eviction moratoriums. Make sure to do some research and have a conversation with your creditors, landlords, and banks to fully understand the regulations and rules associated with your payments.  

Ask your friends and family for advice and we encourage you to seek out a financial advisor for guidance and clarify on your financial situation. If you have any questions or are uncertain about the future of your financial life, we are happy to help you in any way and help you figure out your financial future. Please contact us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.