Your 401K Program: A Little Savings Now Goes a Long Way

Though it may seem daunting, investing in your future is a positive choice. Your experience doesn’t have to be intimidating; I will be happy to serve as your financial planner to help guide you through the process. There is no better time to begin than now. The earlier you can begin to save, the greater earning potential you have at retirement.

Why a 401k program is essential

Assuming an average annual return of 8 percent, setting aside only $4,000 per year starting in your 20s could make you a millionaire by age 62, according to an article by Hitha Prabhakar in U.S. News and World Report. The article further explains that the Employee Benefit Research Institute reported in January 2014, that 30 years of 401(k) savings, combined with Social Security benefits, should generate an income that replaces at least 60 percent of per-retirement salaries.

In addition to putting away money on your own, many companies offer a “matching” program for retirement savings. Some companies may have avesting schedule, which means that the match is earned over time. However, if you don’t take advantage of a 401k program, you are passing up the opportunity for “free money” contributed to your retirement account by your employer.

We started this company with a goal to help educate investors, and guide them through an otherwise daunting experience. Sherman Wealth is happy to look at your 401(k) plan and give you ideas on how to best manage your money. Give us a call at (240) 462-5273 if you would like more information in creating a retirement savings fund. Your retirement may seem far away, but developing a savings plan early you can help ensure confidence in your financial future.

Find an accessible path to your financial future at Sherman Wealth Management.

Learn more about our Retirement Planning services.

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